These little Convict Babies are only two months old. We separated them from their parents to prevent them being eaten. They are getting closer to a half inch.
Posted by Fishy on Jan 10, 2007 at 12:33 AM |Permalink
Just a quick note: Convict cichlids actually exhibit biparental care -- both the male and the female convict protect the fry until they are large enough to fend for themselves. My source: I work with Convicts in the freshwater laboratory at my university, and have about a hundred fish there. Next time your mating pair breeds, leave the fry in the tank and see what happens!
Just a quick note: Convict cichlids actually exhibit biparental care -- both the male and the female convict protect the fry until they are large enough to fend for themselves. My source: I work with Convicts in the freshwater laboratory at my university, and have about a hundred fish there. Next time your mating pair breeds, leave the fry in the tank and see what happens!
Posted by
Unknown |
October 1, 2009 at 3:32 PM